巴西有3名妇女在吃一个圣诞蛋糕后死亡, Three women died in Brazil after eating a Christmas cake laced with arsenic by a relative.
在巴西,3名妇女在吃一个被砷污染的圣诞蛋糕后死亡。 In Brazil, three women died after eating a Christmas cake contaminated with arsenic. 蛋糕制作者的儿媳Deise Moura(Deise Moura)可能把毒药添加到用来做蛋糕的面粉中。 The poison was likely added to the flour used to make the cake by Deise Moura, the daughter-in-law of the cake's maker. 警察逮捕了Moura,测试显示面粉中的砷含量,受害者的尸体极高。 Police arrested Moura, and tests showed arsenic levels in the flour and victims' bodies were extremely high. 这场悲剧使幸存的家庭成员,包括受害者的丈夫,在哀悼中。 The tragedy left the surviving family members, including the victims' husband, in mourning.