尼日利亚的新娘据称毒害了婚礼食物,使新郎受重伤,并杀害了一名客人;她是被捕者之一。 Bride in Nigeria allegedly poisons wedding food, critically injuring groom and killing a guest; she's among those arrested.
尼日利亚吉加瓦州一名新娘据称在婚礼招待会上毒死食物,重伤新郎,造成一名客人死亡。 A bride in Jigawa State, Nigeria, allegedly poisoned food at her wedding reception, critically injuring her groom and causing one guest to die. 包括新娘在内的两名嫌疑人已经被捕,正在接受警方的审讯。 Two suspects, including the bride, have been arrested and are being interrogated by police. 所有其他食用污秽食物的与会者都得到了治疗,并从医院获释。 All other attendees who consumed the tainted food have been treated and released from the hospital. 警察正在调查这一事件,并向公众保证正义将得到伸张。 The police are investigating the incident and assure the public that justice will be served.