Deise Moura因在圣诞节蛋糕上涂了砷而被捕,在巴西杀害了三名家庭成员。 Deise Moura arrested for lacing Christmas cake with arsenic, killing three family members in Brazil.
巴西妇女Deise Moura因在巴西Torres用砷毒害圣诞蛋糕而被捕,导致三名家庭成员死亡,另外三人住院。 A Brazilian woman, Deise Moura, was arrested for poisoning a Christmas cake with arsenic, leading to the deaths of three family members and hospitalizing three others in Torres, Brazil. 蛋糕中使用的面粉含量是允许的砷限值的2,700倍。 The flour used in the cake contained 2,700 times the permitted limit of arsenic. Moura与家人长期存在分歧,被控犯有三起杀人和谋杀未遂罪。 Moura, who had longstanding disagreements with her family, is charged with triple homicide and attempted murder. 警方正在调查她已故的岳父是否也因砷中毒死亡。 Police are investigating if her deceased father-in-law also died from arsenic poisoning.