反对侄女婚姻的叔叔据称在印度的婚宴食物中下毒。 Uncle opposed to niece's marriage allegedly poisons wedding reception food in India.
在Maharashtra的Kolhapur区,Mahesh Patil,一个反对其侄女结婚的男人,据称在她的婚礼招待会上毒死了食物。 In Maharashtra's Kolhapur district, Mahesh Patil, a man opposed to his niece's marriage, allegedly poisoned food at her wedding reception. 帕蒂尔,谁反对私奔婚姻, 混合毒药进入食物, 但没有人消费它。 Patil, who was against the elopement marriage, mixed poison into the food, but no one consumed it. 警方登记了一起针对他危害生命的案件,目前正在努力逮捕他。 Police have registered a case against him for endangering lives, and efforts are underway to apprehend him. 食品样本已送去检验。 The food samples have been sent for testing.