三起死亡和三起疾病发生在圣诞节蛋糕在巴西家庭聚会上消费之后。 Three deaths and three illnesses follow Christmas cake consumption at a Brazilian family gathering.
在巴西的一次家庭聚会上吃圣诞蛋糕后,三名妇女死亡,另外三人生病。 Three women died and three others fell ill after consuming a Christmas cake at a family gathering in Brazil. 蛋糕是受害者家庭成员自制的 The cake was homemade by the victims' family members. 民警正在调查中毒原因,并挖掘出一名受害人已故丈夫的尸体,此人于9月因涉嫌食物中毒而死亡。 The Civil Police are investigating the cause of the poisoning and have exhumed the body of the late husband of one victim, who died in September from suspected food poisoning. 调查包括检查在家中发现的食品和过期产品。 The investigation includes examining food and expired products found in the home.