马耳他国际机场在2024年创下了记录,乘客人数为896万人,增长14.8%。 Malta International Airport set a record in 2024 with 8.96 million passengers, showing a 14.8% increase.
马耳他国际机场的旅客人数在2024年达到创纪录的896万人,比前一年增加了14.8%,这是马耳他历史上第三大增长。 Malta International Airport saw a record 8.96 million passengers in 2024, a 14.8% increase from the previous year, marking the third-biggest growth in its history. CEO Alan Borg对2025年持乐观态度,计划投资7 000万欧元用于改进处理预计930万乘客和连接109个目的地。 CEO Alan Borg is optimistic for 2025, with plans to invest €70 million in improvements to handle an expected 9.3 million passengers and connect to 109 destinations. 机场的成功反映了马耳他作为旅行目的地的吸引力日益增加。 The airport's success reflects Malta's growing appeal as a travel destination.