印度政府启动"邮轮印度计划",旨在将邮轮运输增加一倍,到2029年将海上旅客数量增加到100万,河上旅客数量增加到150万,并创造40万个就业机会. Indian government launches "Cruise Bharat Mission" to double cruise traffic, targeting 1M sea & 1.5M river passengers by 2029 and create 400K jobs.
印度政府启动"游轮印度计划", 旨在将游轮运输增加一倍, 目标是到2029年3月, 通过海上游轮乘客达到100万, 通过河上游轮乘客达到150万. The Indian government has launched the "Cruise Bharat Mission" to double cruise traffic, targeting one million sea passengers and 1.5 million river cruise passengers by March 2029. 该项目分三个阶段实施,包括扩建邮轮码头和码头,将港口停靠次数从 125 次增加到 500 次,并在该行业创造 400,000 个工作岗位。 Implemented in three phases, it includes expanding cruise terminals and marinas, increasing port calls from 125 to 500, and creating 400,000 jobs in the sector. 该倡议旨在加强印度作为全球游轮旅游枢纽的地位,展示其文化和历史遗产。 The initiative aims to enhance India’s position as a global cruise tourism hub, showcasing its cultural and historical heritage.