洛杉矶马术中心收容了200多只火灾驱赶的动物和500匹马。 Los Angeles Equestrian Center shelters over 200 fire-displaced animals alongside 500 horses.
洛杉矶马术中心已成为因最近的火灾而流离失所的200多只动物的紧急避难所,增加了现有的500匹马。 The Los Angeles Equestrian Center has become an emergency shelter for over 200 animals displaced by recent fires, adding to its existing 500 horses. 该设施现在是一个至关重要的庇护所,它欢迎各种动物,包括马、驴、猪和小型马匹。 The facility, now serving as a crucial sanctuary, has welcomed various animals including horses, donkeys, pigs, and miniature horses. 志愿者正在提供照料,一些动物已经与主人团聚,而另一些动物则在等待照料者。 Volunteers are providing care, and some animals have been reunited with their owners, while others await their caretakers.