24 匹获救的小马、驴和马急需寄养家庭;ISPCA 寻求公众支持。 24 rescued ponies, donkeys, and horses urgently need foster homes; ISPCA seeks public support.
爱尔兰防止虐待动物协会 (ISPCA) 正在紧急为 24 匹获救的小马、驴和马寻找寄养家庭,其中许多需要持续康复。 The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) is urgently seeking foster homes for 24 rescued ponies, donkeys, and horses, many of which require ongoing rehabilitation. 该组织隔离单位数量有限,并正在向公众寻求支持,鼓励那些拥有合适马厩或野外庇护所的人考虑收养获救的马。 The organization has limited isolation units and is asking the public for support, encouraging those with suitable stables or field shelters to consider fostering a rescued equine. 请访问 https://ispca.ie/adoptions/ 了解更多信息。 Visit https://ispca.ie/adoptions/ for more information.