Jared Acker在Anderson县被枪、毒品和酒店房间里的火花炸弹逮捕。 Jared Acker was arrested in Anderson County with a gun, drugs, and a sparkler bomb in his hotel room.
在南卡罗来纳州的Anderson县,40岁的Jared Acker, 被发现在旅馆房间里昏迷不醒,旁边有把枪。 In Anderson County, South Carolina, Jared Acker, 40, was found unconscious in a hotel room with a gun beside him. 当局在醒来后发现他口袋里藏有毒品,发现一颗火花弹和床垫下藏有15克以上的甲基苯丙胺。 Upon waking, authorities discovered drugs in his pocket and found a sparkler bomb and over 15 grams of methamphetamine hidden under the mattress. Acker被逮捕并面临指控,包括拥有破坏性装置和贩毒。 Acker was arrested and faces charges including possession of a destructive device and drug trafficking.