安德森县人因制造自制炸药 以吓阻无家可归的露营者而被捕 Anderson County man arrested for making homemade explosives to deter homeless campers.
安东尼·凯尔·詹金斯在南卡罗来纳州安德森县被捕 搜查发现他正在29号公路附近的树林里制造自制炸药 Anthony Kyle Jenkins was arrested in Anderson County, South Carolina, after a search revealed he was making homemade explosives in the woods near Highway 29. 在他试图逃跑之后,多个执法机构通过协调努力将其抓获。 Following his attempt to flee, a coordinated effort involving multiple law enforcement agencies led to his capture. Jenkins被控拥有破坏装置,当局怀疑他打算使用炸药阻止其他无家可归的人离开他所在的地区。 Jenkins has been charged with possession of a destructive device, and authorities suspect he intended to use the explosives to deter other homeless individuals from his area.