当局查获了创纪录的六磅甲基安非他明,并在SC奥兰治堡县逮捕了两个人。 Authorities seized a record six pounds of meth and arrested two individuals in Orangeburg County, SC.
南卡罗来纳州Orangeburg县执法部门缴获了创纪录的甲基安非他明——6磅——以及其他毒品,导致两人被捕。 Law enforcement in Orangeburg County, South Carolina, seized a record amount of methamphetamine—six pounds—along with other drugs, leading to the arrest of two individuals. Drusilla Atherton和G-Ania Little被指控犯有各种毒品罪行,包括贩运甲基苯丙胺。 Drusilla Atherton and G-Ania Little are charged with various drug offenses, including methamphetamine trafficking. 当局也正在寻找第三个嫌疑犯 马库斯・宾客 Authorities are also searching for a third suspect, Marcus Guest. 这次行动涉及多个执法机构。 The operation involved multiple law enforcement agencies.