Stacy Shanon Lay因闯入住宅、偷煎锅和拥有安非他命被逮捕。 Stacy Shanon Lay was arrested for breaking into a home, stealing a frying pan, and possessing meth.
一名54岁的男子,Stacy Shanon Lay,在南卡罗来纳州Oconee县被捕,当时他闯入一家人家,偷走了一个煎锅。 A 54-year-old man, Stacy Shanon Lay, was arrested in Oconee County, South Carolina, after breaking into a home and stealing a frying pan. 屋主在屋内发现他,并报警,导致Lay逃离现场。 The homeowner found him inside and called the police, leading Lay to flee the scene. 第二天,他被抓获,在他身上发现了0.6克甲基苯丙胺。 He was caught the next day, and 0.6 grams of methamphetamine were found on him. Lay 面临入室盗窃、小盗窃和持有冰毒的指控。 Lay faces charges for burglary, petit larceny, and meth possession.