在南卡罗来纳州发现K -9后,格鲁吉亚男子以价值50万美元的可卡因被逮捕。 Georgia man arrested with $500,000 worth of cocaine after K-9 detection in South Carolina.
来自格鲁吉亚的50岁男子Johnny Bunkley III在南卡罗来纳州佛罗伦萨县交通站被查获11磅价值约50万美元的可卡因后被捕。 Johnny Bunkley III, a 50-year-old man from Georgia, was arrested after being found with 11 pounds of cocaine worth about $500,000 during a traffic stop in Florence County, South Carolina. 这一发现是在K-9在他的车辆中检测到毒品之后发现的。 The discovery was made after a K-9 detected drugs in his vehicle. Bunkley被拘留在佛罗伦萨县拘留中心,等待保释听证,如果被定罪,可能面临长达25年的监禁。 Bunkley is detained in the Florence County Detention Center, awaiting a bond hearing and potentially facing up to 25 years in prison if convicted.