不列颠哥伦比亚省人权专员呼吁调查授权警察在学校的存在, BC's Human Rights Commissioner calls for investigation into mandated police presence in schools post-board dismissal.
不列颠哥伦比亚省人权专员Kasari Govender要求对省政府的决定进行调查,即在大维多利亚州学校董事会解散后,授权学校执行警察联络方案。 British Columbia's Human Rights Commissioner, Kasari Govender, demands an investigation into the provincial government's decision to mandate police liaison programs in schools after the dismissal of the Greater Victoria school board. Govender认为,该决定缺乏事实依据和研究经费,违背了政府的人权义务和打击种族主义的努力。 Govender argues the decision lacks a factual basis and funding for research, contradicting the government's human rights obligations and efforts to combat racism.