尼日利亚证实卡诺爆发禽流感,影响到多种鸟类类型;敦促加强监测。 Nigeria confirms bird flu outbreak in Kano, affecting multiple bird types; enhanced surveillance urged.
尼日利亚政府证实卡诺州爆发禽流感, 影响地层、鸭子、小鸡和火鸡。 The Nigerian government has confirmed a bird flu outbreak in Kano State, affecting layers, ducks, guinea fowls, and turkeys. 该疾病是在来自詹古扎市场的一只鸭子感染了其他鸟类后发现的。 The disease was detected after a duck from Janguza market infected other birds. 当局已敦促加强监督、严格的生物安保措施和公众意识,以防止这种扩散。 Authorities have urged for enhanced surveillance, strict biosecurity measures, and public awareness to prevent the spread. 商业农场尚未报告任何病例,但专家强调需要协调努力,遏制疫情的爆发。 No cases have been reported in commercial farms yet, but experts stress the need for coordinated efforts to contain the outbreak.