联合国报告说,自塔利班接管以来,有超过256名阿富汗记者在安全关切下被捕。 UN reports over 256 Afghan journalists arrested since Taliban takeover, amid safety concerns.
联合国报告说,自从三年前塔利班控制阿富汗以来,阿富汗记者已被逮捕256次。 The UN reported that Afghan journalists have been arrested 256 times since the Taliban took control three years ago. 联合国呼吁保护记者并确保其安全。 The UN calls for protecting journalists and ensuring their safety. 塔利班否认逮捕数字,声称被拘留的人犯下了罪行。 The Taliban deny the arrest figures, claiming those detained had committed crimes. 报告还强调了记者、特别是妇女在现政权下面临的限制和风险。 The report also highlights restrictions and risks faced by journalists, especially women, under the current regime.