Meydan电视台的六名记者和一名独立记者因走私罪在阿塞拜疆被捕。 Six journalists from Meydan TV and an independent reporter were arrested in Azerbaijan on smuggling charges.
6名记者在阿塞拜疆因走私罪被捕,其中包括5名来自Meydan电视独立新闻站的记者和一名独立记者。 Six journalists, including five from the independent news outlet Meydan TV and one independent reporter, were arrested in Azerbaijan on smuggling charges. 以柏林为基地的Meydan电视台自2019年以来在阿塞拜疆设有一个被封锁的网站, Meydan TV, based in Berlin with a blocked website in Azerbaijan since 2019, denies the charges. 这些记者如果被定罪,将面临长达八年的监禁。 The journalists face up to eight years in prison if convicted. 阿塞拜疆有着人权不佳的历史,经常以记者和活动家为目标。 Azerbaijan has a history of poor human rights and often targets journalists and activists.