伦敦警方在Covent Garden寻找关于攻击事件的信息;在新的闭路电视录像中发现嫌疑人。 London police seek information on assaults in Covent Garden; suspect in new CCTV footage.
伦敦警方呼吁提供有关 2021年10月12日 科文特花园发生两起随机攻击事件的信息 London police are appealing for information about two random assaults in Covent Garden on October 12, 2021. 一名非值勤警察和一名70岁的男子在不同事件中受重伤。 An off-duty police officer and a 70-year-old man suffered serious injuries in separate incidents. 嫌犯身穿黑夹克,身高约5英尺9英寸高的白人男性,在新的闭路电视录像中可见。 The suspect, described as a white male around 5ft 9in tall, wearing a black jacket, is seen in new CCTV footage. 没有逮捕任何人,警方敦促任何有情报的人站出来。 No arrests have been made, and police urge anyone with information to come forward.