前马来西亚教授因在香港用一氧化碳谋杀家人而被判有罪。 Former Malaysian professor found guilty of murdering his family with carbon monoxide in Hong Kong.
香港高等法院陪审团裁定,前马来西亚大学教授兼麻醉师Khaw Kim Sun 2015年用一氧化碳填充瑜伽球谋杀妻子和女儿有罪。 A Hong Kong High Court jury has found former Malaysian university professor and anaesthesiologist Khaw Kim Sun guilty of murdering his wife and daughter with a carbon monoxide-filled yoga ball in 2015. 在终审法院裁定最初的定罪由于审判法官的误导而不安全之后,在重审后作出了一致判决。 The unanimous verdict came after a retrial, following the Court of Final Appeal's decision that the initial conviction was unsafe due to the trial judge's misdirection. Khaw声称,他为一个研究项目购买了一氧化碳,但被判定犯有造成妻子Wong Siew Fing和女儿Lily Khaw Li Ling因一氧化碳中毒而死亡的罪行。 Khaw claimed he had purchased the carbon monoxide for a research project but was found guilty of causing the deaths of his wife, Wong Siew Fing, and daughter, Lily Khaw Li Ling, from carbon monoxide poisoning.