50岁的男子被控谋杀,被控于10月21日刺杀41岁的基层志愿者。 50-year-old man charged with murder for allegedly stabbing 41-year-old grassroots volunteer on October 21.
50岁的Toh Chee Hong被控谋杀41岁的基层志愿者Winson Khoo Chin Wah, 10月28日在克莱门蒂大道4号重新查看了犯罪现场。 Toh Chee Hong, 50, accused of murdering grassroots volunteer Winson Khoo Chin Wah, 41, was revisited the crime scene on Clementi Avenue 4 on October 28. 在10月21日事件之后,他在警察的陪同下被控谋杀,据称他多次刺伤Khoo。 Accompanied by police, he was charged with murder following the October 21 incident, where he allegedly stabbed Khoo multiple times. 该地区由警察控制,只允许居民出入,而所使用武器的细节仍未披露。 The area was secured by police, allowing only residents access, while details about the weapon used remain undisclosed.