21 岁的 Taeyoung Kim 在格伦维尤造成致命车祸,造成 17 岁的 Marko Niketic 死亡,因此被指控鲁莽杀人、加重酒驾。 21-year-old Taeyoung Kim charged with reckless homicide, aggravated DUI after causing fatal crash in Glenview, killing 17-year-old Marko Niketic.
21 岁的诺斯布鲁克男子 Taeyoung Kim 在格伦维尤造成致命车祸,导致 17 岁的 Marko Niketic 死亡,另有两人受伤,他被指控鲁莽杀人、严重酒驾致人死亡和其他罪名。 21-year-old Northbrook man, Taeyoung Kim, is charged with reckless homicide, aggravated DUI causing death, and other offenses after causing a fatal crash in Glenview, killing 17-year-old Marko Niketic and injuring two others. 事故于 5 月 12 日晚上 11 点 10 分发生在东湖大道靠近草地巷的地方。 The crash occurred on May 12th at 11:10 PM on East Lake Avenue near Meadow Lane. 金正恩驾驶一辆福特野马高速行驶,撞上了尼基蒂奇的奔驰车。 Kim was driving a Ford Mustang at a high speed and struck Niketic's Mercedes. Niketic 是 Glenbrook South 高中的一名学生。 Niketic was a Glenbrook South High School student.