麦凯港附近的谷物公司仓库发生火灾, 原因正在调查中. Fire in GrainCorp silos near Port of Mackay contained; cause under investigation.
1月13日, 昆士兰州麦凯港附近三座谷物公司粮仓发生火灾。 On January 13, a fire erupted in three GrainCorp grain silos near the Port of Mackay, Queensland. 应急服务迅速作出反应,控制火灾,确保疏散和道路改道到位。 Emergency services quickly responded, containing the fire and ensuring evacuations and road diversions were in place. 火灾起因起源于储存鹰嘴豆的传送系统,目前正在调查,但并不可疑。 The cause of the fire, which began in a conveyor system storing chickpeas, is under investigation but is not considered suspicious. GrainCorp赞扬了应急反应,并正在自行进行调查。 GrainCorp praised the emergency response and is conducting its own investigation. 没有报告有人受伤,港口不久后恢复了正常运行。 No injuries were reported, and the port resumed normal operations soon after.