澳大利亚雷德黑德的一家汽车修理店在9月22日发生火灾, A fire broke out at an auto repair business in Redhead, Australia, on September 22, prompting a major emergency response.
澳大利亚9月22日晚上11点左右, 澳大利亚红头市卡拉鲁路一家汽车维修和修复工厂发生大火. A significant fire erupted at an auto repair and restoration business on Kalaroo Road in Redhead, Australia, on September 22 around 11 PM. 由于易燃材料的高度易燃,火势迅速蔓延,引起高度警戒,部署了8辆消防车、警察和救护人员。 The blaze spread rapidly due to highly flammable materials, prompting a high alert and the deployment of eight fire trucks, police, and paramedics. 16名船员在夜间工作,第二天早上还有2人。 Sixteen crews worked overnight, with two remaining the next morning. 已通知环境保护局,火灾原因仍在调查之中。 The Environmental Protection Authority was notified, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.