尽管 NuScale 项目因成本增加而被取消,美国核工业仍然对小型反应堆持乐观态度。 US nuclear industry remains optimistic about small reactors, despite cancelled NuScale project due to cost increase.
尽管最近SMR项目因成本激增而被取消,但美国核工业对小型反应堆仍持乐观态度。 US nuclear industry optimistic about small reactors despite a recent SMR project cancellation due to exploding costs. NuScale 的爱达荷项目是唯一等待批准的 SMR 设计,该项目面临预计价格从 53 亿美元上涨至 93 亿美元的困境,导致其被取消。 NuScale's Idaho project, the sole SMR design awaiting approval, faced an estimated price increase from $5.3B to $9.3B, leading to its cancellation. 尽管如此,支持者仍然对本世纪末的新项目充满希望,理由是无碳能源具有潜在的优势和吸引力。 Despite this, backers remain hopeful for new projects by the end of the decade, citing potential benefits and interest in carbon-free power sources.