加拿大在军队中解决种族主义诉讼,向受影响成员提供高达1亿5千万美元的赔偿。 Canada settles racism lawsuit in military, offers up to $150M in compensation to affected members.
加拿大已经解决了一起针对军队中的种族主义的集体诉讼,提供高达1.5亿美元的赔偿。 Canada has settled a class-action lawsuit over racism in the military, offering up to $150 million in compensation. 1985年4月至2025年1月10日期间任职的合格军事人员可领取5 000至35 000美元的付款。 Eligible military members who served between April 1985 and January 10, 2025, can receive payments from $5,000 to $35,000. 解决方案包括承诺实施系统性变革,以促进更具包容性的军事文化。 The settlement includes a pledge to implement systemic changes to foster a more inclusive military culture. 这是继之前解决不当性行为和不当残疾抚恤金计算的和解协议之后的又一和解。 This follows previous settlements addressing sexual misconduct and improper disability pension calculations.