魁北克法官确定蒙特利尔警方的种族定性系统性,在集体诉讼中判给赔偿金。 Quebec judge determines racial profiling systemic in Montreal police, awards damages in class-action lawsuit.
北克的一名法官已经确定种族歧视是蒙特利尔警察局的系统性问题, A Quebec judge has determined that racial profiling is a systemic issue within the Montreal police force, awarding damages in a class-action lawsuit. 魁北克省高等法院Dominique Poulin法官命令蒙特利尔市向受害人支付最多5 000美元,而其他受害人则领取较低数额的款项。 Quebec Superior Court Justice Dominique Poulin ordered the City of Montreal to pay up to $5,000 to victims, with others receiving lesser amounts. 该诉讼于2019年8月启动,代表2017年8月中旬至2019年1月期间被不公平逮捕或拘留的个人,包括主要原告Alexandre Lamontagne。 The lawsuit, initiated in August 2019, represents individuals unfairly arrested or detained between mid-August 2017 and January 2019, including lead plaintiff Alexandre Lamontagne.