一名加拿大法官驳回了CAF成员针对2021年疫苗任务提出的诉讼,命令他们支付法律费用。 A Canadian judge dismisses lawsuit by CAF members against 2021 vaccine mandates, orders them to pay legal fees.
加拿大的联邦诉讼要求为声称2021年疫苗任务侵犯其权利的330名加拿大武装部队(CAF)成员赔偿100万美元,但被驳回。 A federal lawsuit in Canada, which sought $1 million in damages for 330 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who claimed the 2021 vaccine mandates violated their rights, has been dismissed. Catherine Coughlan法官以未能提供合理理由、实质性事实和使用不当语言为由,对原告作出了不利于原告的裁决。 Judge Catherine Coughlan ruled against the plaintiffs, citing failure to provide reasonable cause, material facts, and the use of inappropriate language. 原告必须支付5,045美元的法律费用。 The plaintiffs must pay $5,045 in legal fees.