Mandy Easter以12M美元起诉加拿大武装部队和前夫, 指称在军事基地遭到虐待。 Mandy Easter sues Canadian Armed Forces and ex-husband for $12M, alleging abuse on military base.
加拿大武装部队(CAF)一名士兵的前配偶Mandy Easter正在起诉CAF及其前夫1 200万美元,指控其在军事基地生活期间遭受家庭虐待。 Mandy Easter, a former spouse of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) soldier, is suing the CAF and her ex-husband for $12 million over alleged domestic abuse while living on a military base. 复活节报称,她受到身体、性和心理虐待,而且CAF未能保护她。 Easter claims she was subjected to physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and that the CAF failed to protect her. 从12月2日开始的这一案件突出显示了军事家庭中家庭虐待的持续问题,以及柬埔寨武装部队对这类投诉的反应。 The case, starting December 2, highlights ongoing issues of domestic abuse in military families and the CAF's response to such complaints.