一名51岁的妇女在Alice Springs被发现死亡,被怀疑是2025年北部地区首起家庭暴力死亡事件。 A 51-year-old woman was found dead in Alice Springs, suspected of being the first domestic violence fatality of 2025 in the Northern Territory.
一名51岁的妇女在澳大利亚Alice Springs被发现死亡,是2025年北部地区首个据称家庭暴力杀人案的受害者。 A 51-year-old woman found dead in Alice Springs, Australia, is the first alleged victim of domestic violence homicide in the Northern Territory for 2025. 她与警方联系的49岁的伴侣已被逮捕。 Her 49-year-old partner, who contacted police, has been arrested. 警方正在调查在攻击中使用武器的情况,尽管这不是一把锋利的武器。 Police are investigating a weapon use in the assault, though it was not an edged weapon. 8名土著妇女在2024年6月至11月期间死于北部地区的家庭暴力,突出表明土著和托雷斯海峡岛民妇女面临的风险较高。 Eight Aboriginal women died from domestic violence in the Northern Territory between June and November 2024, highlighting the higher risk for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. 警方敦促有情报的任何人与当局联系。 Police urge anyone with information to contact authorities.