洛杉矶的野火造成16人死亡,16人失踪,因为危险风向逼近。 Wildfires in Los Angeles have killed 16 and left 16 missing as dangerous winds loom.
16人死亡,16人因洛杉矶的野火而失踪。 Sixteen people have died, and sixteen are missing due to wildfires in Los Angeles. 消防员正在努力在预期强风返回之前控制火灾,这可能会使情况恶化。 Firefighters are working to contain the fires before anticipated strong winds return, which could worsen the situation. 预报人员警告说,危险的天气条件可能使消防工作复杂化。 Forecasters have warned of dangerous weather conditions that could complicate the firefighting efforts.