美国新政府面临财政危机,敦促改革社会保障、医疗保健和税收。 New US administration faces fiscal crisis, urged to reform Social Security, Medicare, and taxes.
美国新政府面临一场财政危机,其特点是高利息支出和婴儿潮人退休导致应享待遇费用增加。 The new US administration confronts a fiscal crisis marked by high interest expenses and rising entitlement costs due to baby boomer retirements. 专家警告目前的财政道路是不可持续的,敦促改革社会保障和医疗保险,同时进行税收变动和严格预算控制,以确保财政责任。 Experts warn the current fiscal path is unsustainable, urging reforms to Social Security and Medicare, along with tax changes and strict budget controls to ensure fiscal responsibility. 这些措施可以降低利率,刺激私人投资,减轻未来纳税人的负担。 These measures could lower interest rates, boost private investment, and ease burdens on future taxpayers. 不采取行动可能危害经济稳定。 Failure to act could jeopardize economic stability.