社会保障面临资金枯竭,有可能削减21%的福利金;75年来,主要来自应纳税收入不足,短缺23T美元。 Social Security faces funding depletion, risking 21% benefit cut; $23T shortfall over 75 years, primarily from insufficient taxable income.
美国精算师学会强调,国会可以解决预计到2033年将耗尽的社会保障资金危机,有可能削减21%的福利金。 The American Academy of Actuaries highlights that Congress can resolve Social Security's funding crisis, projected to deplete by 2033, risking a 21% benefit cut. 该方案在75年中面临23万亿美元的短缺,主要原因是应纳税收入不足。 The program faces a $23 trillion shortfall over 75 years, largely due to insufficient taxable income. 拟议的解决办法包括提高社会保障税的最低收入或调整退休年龄。 Proposed solutions include raising the earnings minimum for Social Security tax or adjusting the retirement age. 政治上的无所作为使人们对依靠这些好处的数百万美国人的未来财政安全感到关切。 Political inaction raises concerns about the future financial security of millions of Americans reliant on these benefits.