卡塔尔对从南朝鲜和印度进口汽车电池征收最后反倾销税。 Qatar imposes final anti-dumping duties on auto battery imports from South Korea and India.
卡塔尔工商部对从南朝鲜和印度进口汽车电池征收最后反倾销税,以支持国家产品竞争力和打击有害贸易做法。 Qatar's Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has imposed final anti-dumping duties on automotive battery imports from South Korea and India to support national product competitiveness and combat harmful trade practices. 决定号 Decision No. 21个目标电池的容量为35-115安培,来自南朝鲜,以及第21/2005号决定。 21 targets batteries with a capacity of 35-115 amperes from South Korea, and Decision No. 22个目标电池,其容量为32-225安培,来自印度。 22 targets batteries with a capacity of 32-225 amperes from India. 这些决定旨在保护国内工业和确保公平贸易做法。 The decisions aim to protect domestic industries and ensure fair trade practices.