当局为最近发生致命车祸的电动车辆提供补贴。 Authorities offer subsidies for electric vehicles amid recent deadly car accidents.
当局正在提供数以千万计的补贴,以鼓励企业转用电动车辆。 Authorities are offering tens of millions in subsidies to encourage businesses to switch to electric vehicles. 发生了几起致命的汽车事故,其中一起涉及一辆据称被盗的汽车,该车撞到另一辆车,造成四人死亡。 Several deadly car accidents have occurred, including one involving an allegedly stolen car that crashed into another vehicle, killing four people. 昆士兰总理庆祝了7.2bn关于修一条危险的高速公路的保证,而劳工局承诺在选举之前升级到另一条危险的道路。 Queensland's Premier celebrated a $7.2bn pledge to fix a dangerous highway, while Labor promised upgrades to another risky road ahead of the election. 一名男子因在视频中与停车检查员对峙而面临强烈反对,一名科技公司首席执行官分享了他驾驶特斯拉事故的镜头。 A man faced backlash for confronting a parking inspector on video, and a tech CEO shared footage of his Tesla self-driving incident. 现代INONIQ 5 N 被评为快速家庭车。 The Hyundai IONIQ 5 N was reviewed as a fast family car.