一系列致命交通事故和与酒精有关的逮捕事件突出表明了澳大利亚持续存在的道路安全问题。 A series of fatal traffic incidents and alcohol-related arrests highlight ongoing road safety issues in Australia.
一名妇女丧失了驾照,在严重超过法定的血液酒精限制之后,她的车辆被扣押。 A woman lost her license and had her vehicle impounded after severely exceeding the legal blood alcohol limit. 卡车与三辆汽车碰撞,造成两人死亡,七人受伤。 A truck collision with three cars resulted in two deaths and seven injuries. 前总理Dan Andrews在骑自行车者碰撞后 接到了三到零通电话后 将面临审查 Former Premier Dan Andrews faced scrutiny after a triple-zero call following a cyclist collision. 一场学校失事造成一名儿童死亡,其他人受伤。 A school crash killed a child and injured others. 澳大利亚最大的矿工向电动车辆过渡。 Australia's largest miner transitions to electric vehicles. 警察警告最近在一个矿区有四人死亡。 Police warn of four recent fatalities in a mining area. 一名22岁的孩子在坠机后被逮捕,一名5岁的孩子和一名15岁的孩子死于车祸。 A 22-year-old was arrested after a crash killed a five-year-old and a 15-year-old. 允许近500 000辆电子摩托车上路的计划引起了安全问题。 Plans to allow nearly 500,000 e-scooters on roads have sparked safety concerns.