由于危险缺陷而召回汽车; 一名男子在暴风雨期间在树枝落下事故中死亡. Car recall issued due to dangerous defect; man dies in falling branch incident during storm.
由于危险的制造缺陷,已对一款流行的 ute 发出紧急召回。 An urgent recall has been issued for a popular ute due to a dangerous manufacturing defect. 一个州当局计划在节假日前取消各种犯罪的出租车许可证。 Authorities in one state plan to revoke taxi licenses for various offenses before the holidays. 暴风雨中,一枝落下的树枝撞上他们的汽车,一名男子死亡,两人受伤。 A man died and two were injured when a falling branch hit their car during a storm. Jaguar面对社群媒体对没有汽车的广告的反弹。 Jaguar faced social media backlash for an ad without cars. 一名66岁的男子成为在ACT公路上死于一次电子自行车坠毁的第10个人。 A 66-year-old man became the 10th person to die on ACT roads in an e-bike crash. 吸毒成瘾的驾驶越来越普遍,包括使用甲基安非他明、可卡因和大麻。 Drug-impaired driving has become more common, including the use of meth, cocaine, and cannabis. 一名英国游客因超速超速在马达住宅被罚款,一名男子在一辆以圣诞节为主题的汽车中经行人区驾着饮料驾车被抓。 A UK tourist was fined for speeding in a motorhome, and a man was caught drink-driving in a Christmas-themed car through a pedestrian area.