Australia发起「不要让汽车改变你是谁」运动, 道路死亡人数上升6. Australia launches "Don't let a car change who you are" campaign amid 6.1% rise in road deaths.
澳洲发起了一个新的道路安全运动, 名为「不要让汽车变换你是谁」, 目标是不耐烦、心不在焉的司机。 Australia launched a new road safety campaign called "Don't let a car change who you are," targeting impatient and distracted drivers. 30秒的广告显示人们从事危险行为, 比如发短信或匆忙, 问他们行走时是否也会采取同样的做法。 The 30-second ad shows people engaging in risky behaviors like texting or rushing, and questions if they would act the same way while walking. 这场运动是继今年道路死亡人数增加6.1%、造成1 318人死亡之后开展的。 The campaign follows a 6.1% increase in road deaths this year, with 1318 fatalities. 政府还承诺为 " 恢复之路 " 方案提供10亿美元,以改善当地的道路。 The government has also pledged $1 billion to the Roads to Recovery program to improve local roads.