Vanessa Delgado,21岁,被控在芝加哥刺杀两个人后企图谋杀和劫车。 Vanessa Delgado, 21, charged with attempted murder and carjacking after stabbing two people in Chicago.
一名21岁的芝加哥妇女Vanessa Delgado被指控企图谋杀、严重殴打和劫持车辆,据称他是在劫车期间刺伤一名41岁的妇女,然后刺伤一名前来帮助的30岁男子。 A 21-year-old Chicago woman, Vanessa Delgado, was charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery, and vehicular hijacking after allegedly stabbing a 41-year-old woman during a carjacking, then stabbing a 30-year-old man who came to help. Delgado抢走了受害人的车,撞了车,并被旁观者和邻居扣留。 Delgado took the victim's car, crashed it, and was detained by a bystander and neighbor. 两个刺伤的受害者都住院治疗;该妇女受重伤。 Both stabbing victims were hospitalized; the woman with critical injuries.