据称在芝加哥劫持一辆汽车并刺杀两人后被捕的妇女。 Woman arrested after allegedly carjacking a vehicle and stabbing two people in Chicago.
在芝加哥的Garfield Ridge附近,一名妇女被捕,因为据称她劫持了一辆日产Rogue汽车,在这一过程中刺伤了一名41岁的妇女。 In Chicago's Garfield Ridge neighborhood, a woman was arrested after she allegedly carjacked a Nissan Rogue, stabbing a 41-year-old woman in the process. 坠机后,她刺伤了一个接近现场的30岁男子。 After a crash, she stabbed a 30-year-old man who approached the scene. 两名受害者都正在接受治疗,嫌疑人在被拘留前因轻微受伤住院治疗。 Both victims are receiving medical treatment, and the suspect was hospitalized for minor injuries before being taken into custody. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.