妇女因在温尼伯用砍刀劫持汽车而被捕,面临多重指控。 Woman arrested for carjacking with a machete in Winnipeg, facing multiple charges.
据称,一名20岁的妇女在Winnipeg用砍刀劫持一名37岁的妇女汽车后被捕。 A 20-year-old woman was arrested in Winnipeg after allegedly carjacking a 37-year-old woman with a machete. 两人是彼此认识的 The two were known to each other. 警察发现了2017年失窃的道奇车厢,并在直升机的帮助下,后来逮捕了嫌疑犯。 Police found the stolen 2017 Dodge Caravan and, with a helicopter's help, apprehended the suspect later. 她面临指控,包括持有武器、不遵守释放令、公开捣乱和拥有价值超过5 000美元的被盗财产。 She faces charges including weapon possession, failing to comply with release orders, public mischief, and possessing stolen property valued over $5,000.