Alina Lee Wright 22岁 劫车后被捕 短暂追逐 在苏城坠毁 Alina Lee Wright, 22, arrested after carjacking, brief chase, and crash in Sioux City.
一名22岁的妇女Alina Lee Wright据称在Sioux市Kum & Go加油站用刀将一名男子劫走后被捕。 A 22-year-old woman, Alina Lee Wright, was arrested in Sioux City after allegedly carjacking a man at knifepoint at a Kum & Go gas station. 她带着他的车逃跑,导致一个短暂的追逐,当她坠入消防栓时,这一追逐结束了。 She fled with his car, leading to a brief chase that ended when she crashed into a fire hydrant. Wright是在试图徒步逃跑后被抓获的,现在被指控犯有一级抢劫、重罪和干扰公务行为。 Wright was caught after attempting to escape on foot and is now charged with first-degree robbery, felony eluding, and interference with official acts.