德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市 38 岁女子涉嫌故意开车撞倒男友并使其重伤;收费待决。 38-year-old woman in San Antonio, TX, suspected of intentionally hitting and critically injuring her boyfriend with her car; charges pending.
德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的 38 岁女子涉嫌周日凌晨故意开车撞到男友并造成重伤。 38-year-old woman in San Antonio, TX, suspected of intentionally hitting and critically injuring her boyfriend with her car early Sunday morning. 警方在失事的福特福克斯旁边发现了昏迷不醒的受害者,视频证据显示,受害者逃跑时,这名女子正在高速行驶。 Police found the unconscious victim next to the wrecked Ford Focus, and video evidence revealed the woman driving at high speed while the victim was running. 该女子逃离现场,目前仍然在逃;她将被指控使用致命武器严重袭击罪。 The woman fled the scene and is still at large; she will be charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.