救援队援助小组,包括孕妇,在无视封闭标志后,被困在冰冷的纽兰路口。 Rescue team aids group, including pregnant woman, stuck on icy Newlands Pass after ignoring closed sign.
包括一名6个月怀孕妇女在内的一群人因湖区Newlands Pass的冰块而忽略了“道路封闭”标志而获救。 A group, including a six-months-pregnant woman, was rescued after ignoring a "road closed" sign due to ice on Newlands Pass in the Lake District. Keswick山区救援队帮助他们把被卡住的车辆运到路边,然后用一辆冬季装备好的车辆将车辆运回Keswick。 The Keswick Mountain Rescue Team helped get their stuck vehicle to the side of the road and returned the group to Keswick in a winter-equipped vehicle. 时机是幸运的,因为他们避免了在通行证的冰面上滑动可能很危险的滑动。 The timing was fortunate as they avoided a potentially dangerous slide on the icy side of the pass.