女人在俄勒冈州林恩郡20号公路附近的雪林中迷路后获救 Woman rescued after getting lost in snowy woods near Highway 20 in Linn County, Oregon.
在俄勒冈州林恩郡 一名30岁的女人 在20号公路附近的雪林中迷路后 被救出 In Linn County, Oregon, a 30-year-old woman was rescued after getting lost in snowy woods near Highway 20. 在K-9小队发现她之前,她离她的车走了大约一英里。 She had walked about a mile from her car before being found by a K-9 team. 士兵们让她保持温暖,直到雪猫把她带回高速公路,随后她被送往医院。 Troopers kept her warm until a snowcat brought her back to the highway, after which she was taken to a hospital. Linn县郡长强调,必须准备安全物品,并在冬季驾驶时向某人通报旅行计划。 The Linn County Sheriff emphasized the importance of being prepared with safety items and informing someone of travel plans when driving in winter conditions.