紧急服务在冰冷条件下,从Claerwen Reservoir附近的一辆翻车中解救了4人。 Emergency services rescued four people from a flipped car near Claerwen Reservoir amid icy conditions.
1月2日,Claerwen Reservoir附近发生车祸,一辆汽车在水边翻转,多处应急服务部门对此作出了反应。 Multiple emergency services responded to a car crash near Claerwen Reservoir on January 2, where a vehicle had flipped near the water's edge. 4人参与其中,1人被空运到医院。 Four people were involved, with one airlifted to the hospital. 由于能见度低、地形困难和冰冷条件,混合行动面临挑战。 The operation faced challenges due to poor visibility, difficult terrain, and icy conditions. 中西部威尔士消防和救援处建议司机在冬季谨慎行事。 The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service advised drivers to exercise caution in winter.