孟加拉7月起义受害者家属抗议、要求正义和引渡Hasina。 Families of Bangladesh's July Uprising victims protest, demanding justice and Hasina's extradition.
在孟加拉国7月起义中遇害者的家属在Shahbagh十字路口抗议,要求正义和承认亲人。 Family members of those killed in Bangladesh's July Uprising are protesting at Shahbagh intersection, demanding justice and recognition for their loved ones. 他们呼吁引渡和审判谢赫·哈西娜总理,指控她策划暴力。 They call for the extradition and trial of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, accusing her of orchestrating violence. 抗议者要求官方承认烈士,公平赔偿家属,并迅速对参与暴力的人采取法律行动。 The protesters demand official recognition for the martyrs, fair compensation for families, and swift legal action against those involved in the violence. 他们发誓将继续抗议,直到满足他们的要求。 They have vowed to continue their protest until their demands are met.