220名BCL领导人及150-200名积极分子被指控于7月15日攻击达卡大学抗议者。 220 BCL leaders and 150-200 activists charged for July 15 attacks on Dhaka University protesters.
被取缔的孟加拉国恰特拉联盟 (BCL) 的 220 名领导人和 150-200 名活动人士因参与 7 月 15 日对达卡大学抗议者的袭击而被提起新的刑事诉讼。 A new criminal case has been filed against 220 leaders and 150-200 activists of the banned Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) for their involvement in the July 15 attacks on Dhaka University protesters. 这是此前针对391个BCL和人民联盟成员的案件。 This follows a previous case against 391 BCL and Awami League members. 反对歧视学生运动协调员Arman Hossain力求确保指控的准确性。 The Anti-Discrimination Student Movement's coordinator, Arman Hossain, seeks to ensure accuracy in the accusations. 一名前BCL领导人因一起单独事件被捕,其中两名学生在抗议期间死亡。 A former BCL leader has been arrested for a separate incident involving the deaths of two students during protests.