孟加拉国以外国阴谋为借口,启动了新的委员会,重新调查2009年BDR兵变。 Bangladesh launches new commission to reinvestigate 2009 BDR mutiny, citing foreign conspiracies.
孟加拉国成立了一个新的委员会,对2009年BDR兵变进行重新调查,这次兵变造成74人死亡。 Bangladesh has launched a new commission to reinvestigate the 2009 BDR mutiny, which resulted in 74 deaths. 该委员会由ALM Fazlur Rahman少将(Retd)领导,将探讨国内外可能的阴谋,包括关于印度参与的指控。 The commission, led by Major General (Retd) ALM Fazlur Rahman, will explore possible domestic and foreign conspiracies, including allegations of Indian involvement. 这些声称指控前总理谢赫·哈西娜策划叛乱以削弱军队。 These claims accuse former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of orchestrating the mutiny to weaken the military. 调查将持续三个月,目的是在前一次调查受到广泛批评后,提供清晰度和问责制。 The probe, set to last three months, aims to provide clarity and accountability after the previous investigation was widely criticized.