安吉·麦克卢斯基(Angi McClusky)的《忘记我,不忘我》咖啡馆为痴呆患者和护理者提供支持,扩大到30个地点。 Angi McClusky's Forget Me Not Memory Cafes offer support for dementia sufferers and caregivers, expanding to 30 locations.
安吉·麦克卢斯基在西澳大利亚州创建了“忘记我不要记忆咖啡厅”,因为她的丈夫在2015年被诊断患有较年轻的阿尔茨海默氏症。 Angi McClusky founded the Forget Me Not Memory Cafes in Western Australia after her husband was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer's in 2015. 这些咖啡馆为患有痴呆症的人及其照顾者提供社交的有利环境,现在有30个地点在全州各地营业。 The cafes offer a supportive environment for people with dementia and their caregivers to socialize, with 30 locations now operating across the state. 数以百计的人通过这些咖啡馆获得了支持和友谊,McClusky被提名为西澳大利亚年度澳大利亚年长候选人,以表彰她的努力。 Hundreds of people find support and friendship through these cafes, and McClusky was nominated for Australian Senior of the Year for Western Australia for her efforts.